What is 3D Audio?
Hey Guys in This Article I am Going To Explain What is 3D Audio, 2D Audio, 8D Audio, 10D Audio & Extra 3D Audio
So Let's Start With Dimensions First!
What is Dimension? (?_?)
Now Then What is 3D?
Just add Other Remaining Dimension and It's Width or Depth, Think of 2 Things First is Square Cut From Wooden with Width Less as Possible and a Cube cut from Wooden and You Can Tell Square is Nothing But
just like a cube if you increase it's width! Because Width is 3rd Dimension. We Live in 3 Dimesnional World!
Now Then What is 4D? Some Says 4th Dimension is Time Coz We Just Going in Future From Past, Well Everyone Have Their Own Explaintion or Belief on This I am Not Going To Explain My Thoughts About This!
Right Now I can Say There is No Such Thing as a 4D There is a Possibilty Through But We Can't Control This Freaking Time Imagine Going in past and in future like you go left and right How Awsm it is. Back To The Topic
There is No Such Thing as 5D,6D..10D........100D It's Just Way To Sell Any Type of Services!
In Audio if Audio If Audio Travel From Left To Right or Vice Versa It Means It's Traveling in 1 Dimension Called "Length" (Left-Righ) If Sound Feels To Travel Behind and then front as Well as Left Right Then It's 2D Widht & Length and If Sound Feels Like Traveling Above and Below as Well as Behind, Front, Left and Right Then it's 3D! It's Traveling in All Possible Dimensions! Widht,Length and Height.
Now There is Something Trendy is Going Called 8D In Where Audio Travels Left to Right or Vice Versa Very Fast!, It's Not 8D I Had Just Explained Above It's Just Traveling in 1 Dimension "Lenth" (Left-Right) Rapidly! and I Will Make Tutorial option on How To Do This!
Now What is Extra 3D Audio? Actually This is Nothing But My Stupid Creation! When I had Started Creating 3D Audios I Observed There are Two Types of Audio Other Youtubers Are Putting in The Name of "3D" and ppls are Liking it both So I Decided To Create Both in One Channel So I Named One "3D Audio" But Actually It's Haas Effect It's Not Realy 3D But It's Gives Effect Like It's Real and Other I Named "Extra 3D Audio" in Which Audio Travels Left to Right or Vice Versa! I Was Not Creatig Proper 3D Audio Before But I Was Always Trying To Create One And Now I Am Creating!
3D Doesn't Have To Do Anything With Making Something Feel Real or Anything It's About Giving an Audio 3 Dimensions So It Can Give Illusion That It's Here!